Sermon Archives
Listen to past sermons from Pastor Theo Williams.
March 2023
February 2023
Guest Preacher: Lee Boone
January 2023
April 2023
April 9, 2023
A Note from Pastor Theo
Greetings all. I hope you get a chance to listen to the message I preached this past Sunday (April 16, 2023). I set out to offer a bit more insight into some of Jesus’s interactions with His disciples post resurrection. We often solely focus on the resurrection on Easter and then skip to something else. So, it is important that we see what took place those vital days after He rose from the grave. However, I wanted to make note of something that I said in error. I taught from John 20:19-29. Thomas said that he would not believe that Jesus rose unless he had the opportunity to see the Lord himself and touch his wounds. Christ appeared to the disciples including Thomas and invited Thomas to touch His wounds. In error I suggested that part of Thomas’s belief resulted from him touching the Lord. This may or may not be the case. Either way, that claim cannot be derived from that passage. There is an invitation to touch the wounds and then we read that Thomas believed. It does not say that he took Jesus up on His offer. There is another passage later in the bible that may be connected to this occasion that initially seems to give some insight. However, I have not yet searched that out thoroughly, nor did I reference it during Sunday’s sermon. So, it is important to focus on what the text at hand stated and did not state. With that in mind, I thought it was important to address that error on my part in making that assertion. It is an important message, and I did not want to hinder it by my hastiness/laziness in that particular regard.
Thank you for your grace.
In Him, Pastor Theo
May 2023
June 2023
July 2023
July 2, 2023
July 9, 2023
July 16, 2023
Guest Preacher: Lee Boone
{Mature content discussed}
Note: There are a few 'dead spots' in the recording. We apologize for the technical difficulties.
July 30, 2023
Guest Preacher: Lee Boone